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Morning Moon


Morning moon

Your song is softness


Set on pillows

of newborn sky


And floating free

in powder blue


Immortal blue


Smooth arc unscarred

by stubbled ridge


Across vast valley’s

steep sharp pines


I course the road

of curves and breathe


Frost air awakening

all that waits


And was and is


You follow my way

I fade into folds of trees


Silver Plane


Trace your graceful arc in placid skies

Proscribe circumferences of space

and glide upon a single blade 

as ringing waves of sound

on smoothest rims 

of crystal glass 

will skate


Bold silver plane

askance in balance born of force

and tilting on the axis of all possible

You sail in a suspension of infinity and fault


Willful engines earn you audience in Nature’s court

who until in forced bravura all your fuel is spent

will support your vain display 

of false courtship


Downward Birds


Sick with futures drown

the downward birds

Impending divers

poised to ends

in heaviness



Vainglorious March

the fledgling drenches


Old clouds mock hard their kin


But prouder winds return the flock

aloft on softest songs of feather’s edge

Swallow My Eyes


Swallow my eyes

into your wild blue worlds

of seas 

so deeply dreaming


and let me wake 

the drunken prayers 

that sleep 

in your sunken garden 


Kneel with me

at the sacred stairs 

of your ruined 

altars underwater


and free a tear

into Ocean’s love

as my soul 

dissolves in your truth

The Space Where You Were


Deep in dark inner forests 

The silent heaviness always within

Invisible weight of emptiness


Sunrays and breezes cannot reach 

This place of vanishing light

All dissipates in densest shadow


Currents of time and life flow around

The imprint of destinies diverted-

Respecting the hidden shrine of hope


But on certain nights of quietude

Beams of white Moon’s gentle light

Unheard and softly as owl’s wings 


Slip past the sleeping tall black towers 

To meet with me in that soundless space

And bring to life love’s memory. 

In This Silence


In this silence of a thousand miles

Of weapons hurled in hopeless wars 

Of reconciling words withheld

In hollow tones 

Of longing, loss

Now empty echoes in our heads


In this great distance of nothingness

Of arrowheads we can’t remove

We ache to heal

To feel to love

But poison paralyzing 

Flows yet in our blood


Into the night press on these words

Whose voice may never reach your mind

By way of moon’s eternal grace

Their quiet journey

Fraught with snares

Afixed by hands 

Of time


Yet in this silence of a thousand miles

As judgments passed now pass away

The heart begins to bathe its wounds


In the gentle rays

Of forgiveness


The New Moon


With softest step 

The new moon glides


Into silent space

Of deep winter's dark


Unseen but for

The sleepless watch


Of Time


And staring black orbs

Of forest deer 


In January’s gentle, beckoning rest

The night exhales and quietly draws


Its heavy blanket 

Sliding across 


Forgetting eyes

And hearts unheale

The Unsought Future


Unravel the open expanse


Vague inconstancy


Yearning strands

In midair




The reach to infinity

Always inviting


Mediocre response

To forces internal


Celebratory stages 

Their stories




Unmasterful silence beheld


While sun and moon eternally tangled

Sing of time and sing of love






Bright morning cool 

Clear light of true calm 

Life breathes

Renewal shines clean


Faithful moon still high above 

Pale chalk on purest new blue 

Pleased to share first light with powerful sun. 


Deer resting near trees. 

Golden light enveloping soft fur of gentle fawns

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